Your Ultimate Guide to 365 Success

January 9, 2020

Here you are at the beginning of the next 365 days. What does the future hold for you? Are you crossing your fingers and leaving it to ‘chance’ or ‘fate’ or are you ready to really take a hold of your successful future and mould it to the shape of your liking?


Imagine that what you have now, your current circumstances, your skills, knowledge and the tools that you have at your fingertips are a lump of clay. You have a big, soggy ball of sticky clay and someone gives you the opportunity to throw that clay onto a potter’s wheel and offers to show you how to skilfully shape it into something elegant and beautiful, pleasing to your eye. Your creation can then be baked hard and glazed in glorious colour so that you can keep it for the rest of your life. You will look at what you have created with your own hands every day and feel proud of your accomplishments and motivated in the excitement of what you will make next now that you know how.


Your 365 success starts with a plan. You simply can’t create what you want if you aren’t clear about what you want. Let’s play for a moment. Think about day 365. What does ‘being you’ look, sound and feel like on that day? What have you created for yourself and the people you care most about? What does your world look like? If your answer is non-specific or you don’t know, then you are leaving your future to chance. This is what leads to the peaks and troughs in life, you can’t be consistently successful if you don’t have a clear idea of what success means to you and the sensorial attributes it will bring.


Going forward, please consider what you would value in your world, both internal and external, by day 365. A clear representation of the look, sound and feel of your world means that you can build a plan to create it. Now, let’s take action. Nothing happens unless you put your energy into the system. What are you willing to commit to doing over the next 30 days, the first steps towards day 365? Make sure that each step in your plan is achievable in your thinking and that you have no doubts about your success.


Imagine for a moment you are the pilot of an aircraft. You input your destination into the navigation computer and you are 1% inaccurate in your calculation. Just a 1% error will guide the aircraft to a destination that is miles away from your desired heading. This is exactly what happens when you have doubts and limiting beliefs about your capability to succeed along your chosen path.


Now, set up a plan for 60 days, 90 days and so on until you reach day 365 and your ultimate success.


To get there, you MUST let go of the fear of succeeding. That sounds a little counter-intuitive doesn’t it? Why would you fear your own creation of the world, your own success? The answer is simple. Because it’s different from now and now is within your zone of comfort as you’ve been living it for a while. A plethora of ‘what if’ questions may be shooting into your consciousness, creating anxiety and fear of the uncertain and unknown. This will stop you in your tracks. Better to stay where I am than to step out of my comfort zone because that feels uncomfortable. The truth of the matter is that your discomfort will be momentary and you will soon experience an ever expanding comfort zone. Anxiety is simple to alleviate. Simply think about the action that you are going to take completing totally successfully and hold that thought in your conscious mind. If you do that properly, it’s impossible to feel anxious.


As you move through your carefully thought out steps to success, it’s important that you maintain a certain mode of thought. You must begin to think independently.


We live in a very audio/visual world. Every hour of every day, our senses are being bombarded with the sounds and pictures of a modern era. 24 hour news, a plethora of social media channels, continuous advertising, unsolicited advice about how we should live our lives, what food we should eat, how we should behave, what we should consider as important, what we should think.


This overwhelming sensory intrusion on our lives has always been there and we develop into adult life with elements of so many other people incorporated into our own thinking.


So we have reached the age we are and our thinking has been shaped almost exclusively by the thinking and behaviour of other sources outside of ourselves and so it continues as we grow older in a world where we are constantly being told what to think and how to behave. Eventually we stop thinking for ourselves and just shrug. We dutifully conform to global thinking and think just like everybody else. This makes us susceptible to global emotions too. Now we are told how to feel. The news channel tells us day on day what we should be afraid of; the economy, war, terrorism, the weather, illness and the list goes on. The majority of us unconsciously comply and live life filled with negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, jealousy, envy, frustration, anxiety. Most of the time we are not feeling these emotions because we genuinely want to feel them, we feel them because somebody says we should in order to ‘fit in’ with societal norms.


Why is this undesirable to someone who wishes to be successful and happy and have an abundance of everything they want for themselves and those that they love? The answer is simple. Without the ability to think for yourself, independently and creatively, you have no personal power. The process of independent thinking is about Personal Empowerment.


To become empowered, your thinking must be your own. Firstly letting go of all of the negative emotions that you have been instructed to feel with a simple process such as Time Line Therapy™. Then forming new and empowering beliefs about yourself and your own model of the world and adopting values which serve you better than the set installed in you unconsciously by other people. Learn how to think creatively and without the boundaries imposed on you over the years, freeing you to create the future that you want in a new way, with different, more empowered behaviours and a new way of thinking.


You can begin to behave as a successful person, utilising your new-found empowerment and experience amazing success, living the life you want rather than the life you believe you were given. Think independently and become empowered. Once you are empowered, the next 365 days of success is easy.


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