Why Learn NLP?

March 23, 2021

Are your goals, dreams and aspirations important to you?  If you could learn how to add clarity, focus and motivation to your thinking and achieve any goal, would that change your life? Would you find value in creating your own optimum performance through self-coaching, while mastering the art of effective communication? Is it important to you to be doing a job that you love? If you knew how to heal, nurture and grow all of your relationships, would your life be simpler and happier?  Would you enjoy taking care of your health and wellbeing? Do you have a practical objective to change something in your life in order to have what you really want?  If so, then you can.

Learning the thought processes and techniques used by some of world's most excellent leaders, champions, teachers, trainers and coaches will open up the secrets of their success.  Your quest begins now.

Our students choose to enter the wonderful world of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) for two key reasons:

1. To learn NLP for the purposes of applying it practically across all aspects of their life.

2. To work on themselves using some of the world’s most powerful coaching tools.

NLP is best described as an instruction manual for your mind. So much of our mental capacity remains untapped, underutilised and discarded. NLP shows us how to expand our thinking, beyond the boundaries that have been artificially imposed by a society that tells us what to think at every turn. Learning how to free your thinking and develop new, successful strategies for achieving your goals is the foundation of NLP. This learning transports you from mediocre to magnificent.

The focus of NLP is to empower you to become the best possible version of you. Too much of our potential remains unexplored, to learn NLP thinking is to embark on a new adventure of discovery which will remain with you for life.

Our NLP Practitioner course participants have joined us from a wide variety of backgrounds, here are a few examples:

 Small Business owners.

 Directors and senior executives, managers and leaders from a variety of professions.

 Doctors and GPs.

 Trainers and coaches from sporting and business backgrounds.

 Human Resource Professionals.

 Sales Professionals.

 Professionals from the probation service.

 Therapists, alternative practitioners and psychologists.

 Project and Programme Managers.

 Retired professionals who wish to continue their learning and those looking to return to work after a break.

 Entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own business and a new career.

 People who want to change their lives through personal growth.

On graduation, you will be a fully certified Practitioner of NLP, NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis. Our past graduates have used their qualification in a variety of ways:

• To enhance their existing career prospects.

• To introduce new thinking and skills into their work place and business.

• To set up new businesses.

• Building new careers.

• Training colleagues in communication, influencing, selling, negotiating.

• Setting up as NLP Coaches.

• Creating NLP Therapy businesses

• Enhancing existing coaching and therapeutic businesses.

• Generating new contracts for existing companies.

• Creating Weight Management Programmes.

• Smoking Cessation.

• Phobia and OCD Clinics

• Depression, stress, anxiety and trauma specialists.

• Working with sports people and performers to create optimum performance.

• Training managers, leaders and senior personnel.

• Enhancing HR management and policies.

• Business Consulting.

• Creating new training products.

• Working in education for advanced learning techniques.

• Living the life they want with confidence, self-esteem and total self-belief.

Now are you curious about what learning NLP could bring into your life? A brief chat with us will reveal all! Please feel free to call us at the office on +44 (0)161 222 5775, we are excited to connect.

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