What Makes an Exceptional Leader?

October 4, 2023

Today’s blog article is all about how we lead, inspire and influence other people in our environment. This could be your work, home or social environment, the basic principles of influential communication are the same wherever you find yourself regardless of context and content.

Here’s a question for you to consider now: Is your influence on others conscious and skilful or unconscious and a matter of chance?

An integral part of our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Trainings is a focus on conscious influence through the use of elegant and mindful language and an in-depth knowledge of the internal processing systems of the people you seek to positively influence and therefore, lead. We will teach you how to influence consistently and with predictable outcomes, whilst pointing your influential arrow directly at a win-win target. Hitting the bull’s eye every time is a matter of recognising and utilising internal processing in order to specify and modify your communications and behaviour.

Let’s take a look at WHY positive influence should be important to you through the lens of leadership.

An excellent leader is inspirational, motivating, understanding, supportive, influential and an exceptionally effective communicator. They ignite passion in those around them and encourage people to perform at their best. A leader must provide those around them with a model of continuous personal and professional development, whilst accepting feedback and sacrificing self for others when appropriate. There is a humility within each leader, enabling them to gain fulfilment through the success of others, which in turn reflects their own accomplishment.

Great leaders are great because of how they lead and that's through emotional content. Everything they do and everything they say compels the people around them emotionally. Leadership is about the ability to drive a collective of positive emotions in a direction which produces optimum results. It is also about the resonance of the leadership style with those who are being lead. The leader must demonstrate an honest empathy in order to really resonate with a whole team.

Learning how to understand others and to lead them in a way that resonates and connects at a deep and lasting level is ultimately about recognising and utilising the internal processing systems that people use on a daily and routine basis, which are largely held at the unconscious level. Knowledge of a person's unconscious filters which assist them to create their picture of the world, painted in their own unique way is how exceptional leaders create trust and empathy. If you know how someone filters for work, home and social environments, then you are well on the way to understanding that person so well that you are guaranteed to communicate with them effectively and coherently in a way that really resonates with them at both the conscious and unconscious levels.

The most common pitfall when thinking about how we influence people to our way of thinking or in negotiating a particular outcome is that we unconsciously utilise our own internal processing results within our communication and the result always has to be one of win - lose in our favour. This approach is much less about influencing and negotiating and more about manipulation without ethics or ecology. In NLP, ecology is of ultimate importance and we are always careful to seek the highest, most mutually beneficial outcome within all exchanges.

To participate successfully in an elegant negotiation, the negotiator must begin with a win - win mind-set. There is always a highest positive intent which is shared between two or more negotiating parties. The skill of reaching a shared agreement is embedded within the ability to find this highest common ground and then to agree the finer detail from there. Changing what someone believes is an incredible art and science. Ethical influencing is charged with bringing alternative thinking to someone's awareness in the knowledge that the new thinking will be beneficial to them, whilst enabling them to retain the gift of personal and independent choice.

Influence is created though the skilful use of language which can be tailored through an understanding of a person's starting position and how they like to receive and process information. This knowledge is received through a comprehensive understanding of a person’s internal processing. If new information grinds vehemently against the person's unique model of the world, then they will either not be influenced or will feel very uncomfortable within the linguistic exchange.

You will discover how to understand human behavioural and internal processing systems during your Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Training. Understanding how people think is critical in the formulation of your communication and your ability to lead successfully. This learning will empower you to turbo boost your leadership and negotiation skills by weaving the correct language into your communications.

Communicating without this knowledge leaves the predictability of a successful outcome on the table and unused. The knowledge of how to recognise and utilise a person’s internal processing systems will make your communications irresistible, influential and full of resonant impact. You can actually know someone better than they know themselves when you know how to discover how they think. The leaders who know this secret are some of the best in the world. If you would like to join this elite group then join us for our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.

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