The Vitality of Self-Care

August 12, 2021

Today, I am focussing on self-care. As you slowly emerge into the light of something new, take some time to consider what that something looks, sounds and feels like to you as you blink cautiously into your new model of the world.

A great deal has been said in the media about the challenges of the last 18 months, the definite need to consider your personal wellbeing and mental health. Much has been made visible about the psychological struggles of those furloughed away from work and those who lost their jobs. Of course, those people should be applying lots of self care and seeking help where they need it. Much less has been said about the people who have worked hard to keep their businesses afloat, without the hope of a break or holiday, for well over a year. It’s these people I would like to put under the spotlight today, as they seem to have been forgotten. I count myself among them.

I’m sure many of you will identify with some of the feelings that I experienced, I would like to share them with you, you are never alone on your life’s journey.

Running a business of any kind is a full-time occupation. It takes everything you have and a lot that you didn’t know you had even in the most normal of environments. Over the past 18 months, the effort required has significantly increased, working much harder to just keep everything afloat. The business bills still required payment and the work environment changed drastically, overnight.

The advice was to ‘pivot’ and ‘flex’, which took a lot of energy and the hours sat staring at a computer screen became highly inflated. And we kept going, for 18 months! No breaks, because there was so much to do to maintain an income, no holidays to look forward to as travel was banned. Normal activities stopped and exercise regimes changed. Friends became faces in a box.

I first became aware of changes to my mental health when I took pause to reflect and my unconscious mind posed the question, ‘where is my joy?’ I couldn’t find it! I am fortunate as I have my knowledge of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to assist me in recovering my mental strength. I found myself placing my joy in other places, thinking differently about what I have rather than what I had.

The second reminder about the need to care for myself came when I was conducting an online Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training. For the briefest of moments, I lost my clear vision and the room started to spin around me. Then it was gone. This was my unconscious mind reminding me of the value of self-care. I made changes at that point!

Here are some simple indicators that you may need to pay more attention to self-care:

 Feeling tired all the time, even after a solid sleep experience.

 Problems with your vision.

 Feeling disoriented or dizzy.

 A low feeling that you find it difficult to describe.

 Finding it difficult to activate your motivation.

 Feeling low in energy.

 Thinking that you are on a repetitive hamster wheel that never stops spinning.

 Finding coping with everyday life challenging.

You are not alone. At Quest for Success Ltd we have some wonderful coaches who can support you and get you back to a happy place of self-care. Using NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis blended into a highly effective coaching approach, we can return you back to you.

Above all, take care of yourself. Take a break. Your business will suffer if you break down, so apply some self care now and your working future will be guaranteed. It’s ok to stop for a while.

Here are a few gentle tips that you can introduce into your self-care regime:

 Spend 10 minutes each day to reflect inwardly, you could use a guided meditation if you like, there are plenty available online. Or, just sit quietly and focus on your breathing. Let your mind clear and your body relax.

 Eat well. Your mind and body are inextricably connected. A health mind = A healthy body and vice versa.

 Create little treats that you can look forward to. A nice meal or a day out, a pamper session or time with friends.

 Plan a break, even if you don’t go anywhere, take some well-earned time out.

 Talk to someone, family or friends, if not a qualified professional NLP Coach. Be open about how you feel.

 Ask for help.

I speak from the heart of my experience when I say, love yourself! You are the most important thing and self-care is vital. Do it for you, do it now.

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