The Sequences of Life

August 17, 2023

People think in patterns. You think in patterns. Sequences of internal representations which repeat themselves over and over again. These patterns are substantially unconscious in nature and run consistently as we process our world to create our personalised, subjective concept of reality. Your thinking patterns act as the lens through which you view your model of the world, magnifying, distorting and bringing into sharp focus your unique projections. To really know someone, perhaps even better than they know themselves, you must know how to put their sequenced patterns under the microscope and study the details.

The basic elements from which the patterns of human behaviour are formed are the perceptual sensory systems through which we operate on our environment:

Vision - Sight

Audition - Hearing

Kinesthesis - Body sensations

Olfaction/gustation - Smell and Taste

Distinctions concerning our environment (internal and external) and our behaviour are usefully represented in terms of these systems. All our ongoing experiences can be coded as a combination of these sensory classes.

Sensory systems have a functional significance, much more than being passive input mechanisms. The sensory information received through each of these systems initiate behaviour via our neural connections. Each perceptual class forms a sensory-motor complex that becomes response-able for classes of behaviour. These sensory-motor complexes are called representational systems.

The mental maps that guide our behaviour are developed from ordering these experiences into patterned sequences. The formal patterns of the sequences of representations are called strategies.

As a master communicator across all life contexts, you must know how to recognise internal processing patterns, understand the implications of the patterns that are being run over and over again and know how you can utilise those patterns in order to generate win-win outcomes. Imagine how identifying thinking patterns would assist you to excel in business, knowing how someone organises their thought patterns to make a decision or get motivated. In coaching and therapy, identifying a client's patterns for change. In education, assisting learners to create thinking patterns that will lead to more effective learning. In sports, knowing how to organise thought patterns to produce optimum performance. In business consulting, knowing how the collective thought patterns of an organisation contribute to bottom line enhancements and indeed any other communicative environment, including your personal relationships.

As an NLP Coach Practitioner, you will learn the specific processes for identifying, interpreting and utilising the most unconscious of our thinking patterns, your internal processing in the form of strategies. By understanding individual and indeed corporate strategies, you can answer fundamental questions about personal or organisational behaviour and capacity to achieve results by eliciting the patterns that provide the answers to:  

• What the person/organisation is doing.

• How they are doing it.

• For what purpose they do what they do.

• Spatial and Temporal operators.

Understanding internal processing allows us to identify the drivers of external behaviour. If you are able to describe behaviour in such an incredibly simple yet highly specific way, then you can create incredibly compelling communication styles to match every context that you will ever find yourself in. I know you find that valuable.

You can access strategies by switching on your own senses and identifying unconscious accessing cues that everybody demonstrates when they internally process external information. Accessing cues include eye movements, posture, breathing patterns and the language that we use. A well trained eye and ear can rapidly provide knowledge of a person's internal processing strategies that can then be utilised to improve communication.

Imagine how useful it would be to know exactly how to motivate someone, how and when to offer feedback, how someone gets convinced of something, where a person would best sit within any organisation, at what level of specificity or ambiguity to communicate, how to keep the best people in a job, how to discover the managers and leaders of tomorrow. All of this critical information can be elicited and analysed swiftly by utilising NLP elicitation processes.

An in-depth knowledge of strategies and their linguistic and physiological markers is an essential knowledge base for any Coach, Therapist, Director, Manager, Leader, HR personnel, Recruiter, Team member and indeed, anyone in a relationship with someone else!

By joining the Quest for Success Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training you will learn how to discover the internal thinking patterns that people run consistently, second by second and how you can put this precious knowledge to practical use on a daily basis. This is your opportunity to get to know anyone better than they know themselves by seeing the patterns of life and making them operate for success.

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