The Formula for Personal Empowerment

November 11, 2020

Generating personal positivity when everything around you appears to be shrouded in a palatable haze of negativity can be quite a challenge.  The sensory bombardment which comes from the constancy of media coverage consistently suggests that the world around us presents one ever present challenge to survive and prosper.

Environments across the globe are changing and will continue to change.  What defines us as individuals is how we respond to those changes on a personal and deep level.  Our spontaneous responses to change and how we view our own concept of reality define our behaviour, actions and ultimately, our ability to succeed and generate desired outcomes.  If the very basis of our individual personality drives our behaviour, attitudes and responses, how can we change what we do and how we do it?

There is a formulaic answer to this question within the professional school of learning known globally as Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP):

Notice our thinking + understand our thinking + control our thinking + think on purpose = Personal Empowerment  

At the very heart of NLP technology lies the key to changing your personal reality.  By unlocking the secrets of how you think and how you create your behaviours, personal positive and generative change becomes possible.  

We can only do 6 things in our heads, which fortuitously makes thinking on purpose relatively simple.  We can make pictures, hear sounds, feel emotions, create smells, enjoy tastes and we can talk to ourselves.  Noticing how we utilise the processes we run in our heads allows us to begin to understand how we think and create our own personal models of the world.  A rich understanding of our internal processing opens up the possibility of controlling our internal representations and our attendant emotions.  Learning how to control and re-define the stories you tell and illustrate to yourself about your world creates emotional control and enables you to choose and shape your external behaviours so that they begin to support your goals and your success.

Thinking on purpose creates change.  You can choose to release all of your negative emotions and personal baggage which have been weighing you down for so long, remove the limiting beliefs which act as barriers to your success, change negative behaviours for ones that serve you better and install new, powerful strategies to produce the outcomes you desire.  You can choose to be happy and successful by creating a new representation of your reality, one that has the clarity and energy to embrace your personal power.  The world around you may appear to be so negative that you fail to focus on a way forward, that’s OK and you can change it.  A negative environment doesn’t mean that you have to choose to be negative within it, positivity is a choice and NLP thinking makes the choice simple.


NLP has rewarded us with simple processes and ways of thinking which can rapidly transform the way you ‘be you’ on a daily basis.  By changing your attitudinal approach to a seemingly negative environment, you can become personally empowered and take control of you.  Taking back your personal power from your surrounding environment is how you are going to move forward and create the future that you want for yourself.  Once you have learned to think on purpose, you will do it for the rest of your life.

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