The 2% Mindset

May 10, 2023

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of excellence. The focus of NLP is on the differences that make a difference. NLP provides the lens through which you can discover what it is, specifically, that makes some people exceptional in their thinking, behaviour and their ability to achieve results? Quite often we observe exceptional people, people who are at the top of their game and we justify their success by saying things like, "they are lucky", or "they were just in the right place at the right time", or "it's not what you know, it's who you know". Is that really how people get to the top and stay there, through fate, chance and luck, or do they have something in their toolkit that other people don't? Let's look more closely at the concept of being average and mediocre or being exceptional and standing out from the crowd. What makes that happen?  

To understand the differences that make a difference, you can begin by thinking about your comfort zone. You have your own comfort zone and you know where the boundaries are. When you are in your comfort zone, you are familiar with your environment and at ease with the tasks that you do within that environment. In your comfort zone space, there is minimal challenge, minimal pressure and minimal action taking. It's comfortable there and 98% of people will spend a great deal of their time in this zone of familiarity.  

It's good to be comfortable, right? Yes and no. You may have heard it said that comfort is the enemy of progress? There is something in that statement. Whilst your comfort zone feels safe, it's also quite uninspiring and the thought processes that occur within your comfort zone can be unresourceful at best. You comfort zone breeds mediocracy, you think just like everyone else, you play it safe, perhaps settle for less than you really want and fall into the rut of just getting by. This type of thinking can create feelings of regret that you don't do or be what you really want to do or be. It feels like you are surviving rather than living and life can feel rather grey and dull. You may even feel so de-motivated and uninspired that you being to procrastinate about taking action and achieve even less.

What holds you in your comfort zone? Primarily, the need for security and the fear of not having it and that then makes you feel insecure. The mindset that holds you to comfort is actually creating insecurity and fear. Not at all resourceful and won't get you the results that you want. What is the answer? Regularly stepping out of your comfort zone, putting yourself out there and accepting calculated and well-informed risks. You need the 2% mindset.

Think differently from everyone else, especially those in your environment. This will be the difference that makes the difference. Exceptional people have adopted the 2% mindset. What are the critical components of the 2% mindset? Let's take a look:

1. Critical thinking - the ability to be conscious of your thoughts and ideas and to unpack the fact from the fiction, choosing to believe what you perceive as truth rather than going along with everything that you see, read and hear.

2. Embracing the unknown - there is only one certainty in life and that is uncertainty. Once you accept that uncertainty is always present, you can live with it comfortably, be excited and curious, begin to experiment, explore new things and welcome change. Step out of your comfort zone.

3. State control - choosing how you feel. The 2% mindset knows that feelings are a choice. Happiness and confidence are a choice and you can change fear into something that allows you to step into something new and charges you with the energy to take action and go for your dreams.

4. Living without limits - expanding the boundaries of your comfort zone out so far that you never reach them. Without boundaries to your thinking, you can explore new things, set exciting and compelling new goals and create the life and abundance that you want rather than living the life you think you have been given.

5. Feeling fulfilled - being success-full. The 2% mindset takes you way beyond what you think you are, even beyond the confines of your physical body, making empowering connections with the boundless energy sources that exist within the Universe. Whatever you think you are, you are so much more than that.

How do you learn to achieve the 2% mindset and begin to stand out from the crowd? You study the exceptional thinking that is implicit in the profession of NLP. You can study the 2% mindset by joining our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training. Just complete the enquiry form and we will be in touch.

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