Spring Clean Your Inner Self

April 2, 2024

History is being written, right now.  The e-books of the future will look back at these times as an era of significant change, when financial, political, technological and physical landscapes began to shift to new positions, in a world which continues to amaze, surprise and challenge its inhabitants.  We are not the first to have experienced change at this level, it has always been happening and like all species over the millennia, adaptation is the key to survival.  Those who adapt the best will thrive, building a new and exciting future built on resilience, flexibility and excellence.

The process of adaptation to new life conditions is a challenge which you can accept and to those who enjoy finding new solutions to old problems it’s a very exciting prospect.  To be successful in the new environment requires a new way of thinking and the ability to dig much deeper into your mental and physical resources.  Today’s ways of working may not fit tomorrow’s world and if what you are doing now isn’t working, then it’s time to adapt and change.  A transition of thinking is the cornerstone that supports communities and individuals in their move to a new level of collective consciousness, as you transition towards a new entrepreneurial and innovative environmental system.

It’s time to do the Spring Cleaning!  

Do I mean your home, your office, your mind, YES! It’s impossible to find solutions to problems using the same thinking paradigms that created the problems in the first place! Now is a wonderful time to clean out all the rubbish that clutters your thinking and start with a fresh, new, effective approach. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the ideal way to achieve this and YOU have easy access to all the learning that you require.

To think differently is to unlock the psychological chains which bind us into the ruts of life.  You only need to watch the news, engage with social media or read a broadsheet to feel those chains becoming ever tighter.  To break free requires a re-organisation of the neural networks and an understanding of your behaviour at the unconscious level.  Once you can establish communication internally and begin to exert control over your own thinking, then you can begin the process of adaptation, with such strength, power and vigour that success is the inevitable outcome. A complete Spring Clean!

NLP is epistemological, thinking about thinking.  As a human being, you are not psychologically hard wired in a rigid and fixed manner.  Your neurology is built with neuroplasticity, it is totally flexible and open to transformation at any time, you simply require some insight into how to make change happen by making new neurological connections and by lighting up parts of your neurology that have rested in darkness and under piles of rubbish for so long.  You’ve heard of having a ‘light bulb moment’, as the lights go on, creativity and innovation increase, thinking adapts to the environment and quite suddenly, you are adapting your behaviour and experiencing a different world.

Epistemologically thinking, if you change how you view the world around you and your life conditions, then the world will transform.  Perhaps it is the need to transform your thinking that has lead to the marked increase in the search for new knowledge and access to your inner self over the past few years?  Global corporations and private individuals alike have begun to search for new learning to ease them through this transitory time, to seek help to adapt and thrive.  The one learning that can provide this precious resource is NLP and you can learn it at our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.  A discipline that has been in our lives for over 45 years is now a well developed, contemporary and exciting enabler of transformative and lasting change.  NLP is how you, as an individual, are going to develop new ways of thinking and drive forward into a new era of abundance and success.  

Transitioning to new levels of thinking in response to changing life conditions has no temporal rules.  Slowly or more rapidly, those with vision and determination will find a new environment of opportunity and move up the spiral of complexity of thought in a successful and adapting relocation of self.  To think about thinking is the first step. You can do this as an NLP Practitioner.  


The important element in all of the changes in the world is simple, it’s you.  Only you can choose to avoid extinction, to adapt and to thrive, to climb out of the rut, shed the chains of doom and gloom and break out into a bright new future.  It’s about innovation, creativity, entrepreneurial thinking and choice.  You can choose to remain at the lower levels of the spiral of life, or start your journey to a new higher level which better suites the new life conditions.  It’s choosing to take responsibility for your outcomes and the choice is yours to take. It’s time to choose the Spring Clean of your life!

We can assist you in your Spring Clean. Join one of our live Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Trainings and get your de-cluttered inner world to gleam and reflect your success.

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