Shedding The Labels of Life

May 26, 2021

Today’s blog is all about labels. The general society of today is one of high judgement and placing people in boxes that they may live with for an entire lifetime. Each box has a clear label and the person we put inside the box becomes that label, in thought, in behaviour and in every context of their life. Breaking free of the label isn’t easy and if you have ever lived or are living within the confines of a label, you will know exactly what I mean.

What do I mean?

Over the past couple of months, as we slowly ease out of a global pandemic, my NLP Coaching diary has suddenly been bursting at the seams. The effects of the pandemic and the stay at home requirement has been the creation of a great deal of time for self-reflection and attendant to that, self-judgement. My clients are telling me, ‘I’ve lost myself, the real me I mean.’ Have you ever felt like that?

It seems that you are now realising that you have been living your label. The simplest and most pleasant of labels can take over the essence of who you are. Mum, Dad, Husband, Wife, Sister, Brother, Daughter, Son. These are all labels that we give ourselves and society supports. Of course, these are very welcome titles and lovely connective relationships to be in, the challenge arises when you decide that that is all you are. You are so much more than that!

I’ve met so many wonderful people recently who have told me, ‘I can’t be/have/do what I really want because I’m a (Insert label).’ People who have realised that they are living a life for others and not for self. Whilst you want to love and support those who are most important to you, it is also important that you recover and maintain your sense of self. That’s not self-ish, it’s self-love.

Here's the thing, when you can say, “I love myself” and mean it, you begin to re-connect with the inner core that is the foundation of you and free yourself from the labels of life. You can be a Mum, Dad, Husband, Wife and still be YOU! You are (insert name), you are not your label.

Societal labels are so widespread that it’s challenging to keep track. When asked ‘Who are you?’, I’m hearing responses like, ‘I’m dyslexic’, ‘I’m depressed’, ‘I’m on the autism spectrum’, ‘I’m ADHD’. All of those things may be true and you are not those labels, you are a unique individual who moves through life in a certain way. The box that these labels sit upon is tightly sealed and amazingly talented people live their whole lives believing that they can’t be/have/do what they dream of because of the label. They live as their label and nothing else.

So, how do you shed the label and re-establish the magnificent self that is waiting quietly to be released? The first thing to do is to let go of the limiting belief that you are your label and only that. You ARE so much more than that. During our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training we teach you how to remove limiting beliefs and to discover what’s really inside. Secondly, make some time for yourself, just you, to do something you really love to do, you deserve it! Thirdly, remember, you are not responsible for creating the lives of others, they own that power, they are responsible for themselves. You have the support role, not the leading role.

Finally, notice that everyone in a relationship has the right to be themselves. Does someone really have the right to tell you that you can’t be/do/have something that you really want just because you are in a relationship with them? Of course not, if they have labelled you then bring it to their attention that you are not just that label, you are YOU and you deserve to be you. A relationship is power with, not power over. You can be an incredible Mum, Dad, Wife, Husband, Son, Daughter, Managing Director, Sales Executive and still be you and achieve your goals and dreams.

NLP Training allows you to grow beyond your box and to understand and remove your labels. You will be delighted what you can be/do/have once the real you is allowed to stretch and grow. You were born as you for a fabulous reason, live that reason by shedding the labels of life.

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