Shaking The Money Tree

March 5, 2024

Money – Are you attracting or repelling it?

What a question! I’m wondering how you responded?

Naturally, you want to think that you are consistently and successfully attracting money into your life, after all, money is the thing that facilitates the lifestyle that you want for yourself and your loved ones. Would it surprise you to learn that many of the people who are reading this article, perhaps even you, will be actively repelling money from your life and be completely unaware of it?

How is this possible I hear you cry! Surely not!

Well, this is all about your values, beliefs and psychological processing that whirls around the abstract concept of money. Is money an abstract concept, or is it real? Therein lies the secret to attracting more of it into your life. Let me explain and I’d first like to start with a bit of history…

Many years ago, far far away…

When you provided someone with a service, perhaps coaching or training or therapy or consulting, the payment you received for that work came in the form of chickens. So, you would receive one chicken for an hours work and for three hours you might get two chickens or even three if you were particularly gifted at your work. This posed an interesting problem, because chickens don’t fold very well and nobody wants a pocket full of chicken poop. So, the solution to smelly pockets full of feathers was to write on a piece of paper, I owe you ‘x’ amount of chickens. These pieces of paper folded nicely and they didn’t wriggle about much, so the new form of payment was widely adopted.

So, money isn’t real, it’s simply an abstract representation of chickens.

Money is in fact the energy of your work. The more energy you put into your work, the more energy is returned to you in the form of pieces of paper that represent value and can be exchanged for the lifestyle that you want for yourself and those you care most about in the world.

Now, please consider that psychologically speaking, what you consciously focus on is what you get. Energy will flow where your attention goes. If your attention and focus is solidly founded on thinking about the lack of money, then that’s what you will attract into your life, a lack of money. All your energy will be flowing toward not having any money. Then you start speaking the language of lack. You say things like, ‘I can’t do that training because I can’t afford it’ or ‘I can’t have that because I don’t have enough money’. What you are actually doing here is giving clear instructions to the unconscious part of your mind, the part that produces your behaviour, that you are not to have any money! The appropriate behaviour then follows, dutifully supplied by your loyal and compliant unconscious mind. It’s unconscious self-sabotage and you are not even aware of it, until now. Now you can change your thinking and begin to shake that money tree!

How can you attract money into your life? Firstly, accept that money is energy. If you put energy into a system, you get transformed energy out. So, taking action is key. Secondly, start to speak the language of abundance, so you might say, ‘I will create a way for me to have that’ or ‘I will get the money to pay for that’.

Contrary to popular belief, money doesn’t come from outside of you, it comes from inside. What you believe about money is key to you having it. The belief that you can make as much money as you want, that you deserve money and that money is simply the energy of your work will assist you in attracting it. Money should also feature in your values hierarchy in the context of your work, that way, you will allocate sufficient time and energy to get it. Money is whatever you think it is and what you focus most strongly and consistently on is what you will get.

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