Healthy Mind and Healthy Body

October 21, 2021

It’s not necessary to have aspirations to practice NLP formally or professionally to get incredible personal value from learning the NLP thinking and technique which has positively enhanced the lives of thousands of people with a rich demographic and global diversity.  Personal experience and continuous detailed feedback from our wonderful graduates has reinforced what we already know, that NLP can positively affect the total health and wellbeing of those who learn and most importantly, utilise it. NLP is something that you can learn easily that will transform your thinking and make a substantial contribution to your health and wellbeing, now that’s exciting.


Scientific research proved long ago that the mind and body have an indivisible connection which, through loops of continuous feedback, maintains our physiological and psychological health and wellbeing.  Advances in medical science have produced some incredible steps forward in understanding our physiology and the dis-ease that seeks to manipulate it, whilst the understanding of the psychological component is still very much a secondary consideration, although, it is now being explored and researched with more rigour.

As NLP, Time Line Therapy™ and Hypnosis have been successfully blended together and practised across the globe over the last 40 years, it has become very clear that, by working with the mind, we can also initiate a quite extraordinary phenomenon within our physiology.  Experience had indicated that when we hold negative emotions within our neurology, blockages to our healing energy are created, our immune system becomes compromised and dis-ease is quick to follow.  

Once we have learned the fundamental building blocks of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis, we can work independently to increase our total health.  We believe that we can do this by paying full attention to our whole selves, rather than looking rather mechanistically at the collection of parts that make up the human body.  The holistic approach to true health can be related to 5 major elements:

Our mental processes

Our emotions and decisions

Our physical body

Our external behaviour

The spiritual part of us (according to individual belief systems)

Practitioners of NLP thinking are rewarded with a unique approach to wellbeing, using thinking from our NLP, Time Line Therapy® and hypnosis programmes, skilfully blended and combined to address our mental processes, our emotions and decisions and our external behaviour, which creates change within the physical body.  Our spiritual health, whilst assisted by NLP thinking, is rather beyond the remit of NLP content, however, we do take a journey into the inner self by sharing some rich meditations with you, taken from the Ancient Hawaiian art of Huna when we reach Masters level.

Removing negative thinking and emotion from the body, releases our natural healing energy and allows our body, under the protection of our powerful unconscious mind, to heal itself, without the requirement for drugs or working in harmonious combination with allopathic medicine.  Countless medical trials have demonstrated that ‘the placebo effect’ is very real.  If a patient believes that they are receiving a ground breaking new miracle cure, then they heal, such is the power of your thinking process.

Discovering a healing power from within gives us the freedom to choose to take drugs or not.  Blended with the professional advice of doctors, nutritionists and fitness experts, we can approach our wellbeing holistically.  We have even experienced some quite wonderful examples of healing energy being released during our NLP Trainings.  One lady, who had been unable to feel any sensations down one of her legs, caused by an accident some years ago, actually began to feel tingling sensations and later more normal sensations where there had previously been none, after two days of working with Time Line therapy® and two days of Hypnosis. Another student experienced complete relief from a lifetime of agonising back pain directly after completing week 1 of our NLP Master Coach Practitioner Programme. During a Practitioner Training, another student completely changed her relationship with diagnosed Fibromyalgia and MS and the symptomology completely disappeared. Such is the power of the mind – body connection.

Please understand the highest positive intention here.  We are not ‘healers’ and don’t heal anyone, we can work towards relieving symptomology through the mechanism of the mind-body connection as part of a wider, holistic approach in close partnership with experts in other fields.

Time line Therapy® techniques play a very active role in creating and releasing natural healing energies and we explore this philosophy in-depth during our NLP Trainings.  You will also learn some of the newest additions to the programme, including the highly effective Pain Paradigm and advanced pendulum techniques at Masters level.  

The mind-body connection is very real and you can learn to harness its power and create holistic wellbeing for yourself. Now isn’t that a life enriching and exciting prospect?

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