Nature's Change Toolkit

October 31, 2022

Autumn, a colourful season of transition and change. The time for nature’s protective change toolkit to kick in. Change in nature is cyclical and consistent as the flora and fauna with which we share our world adapt to seasonal environmental change. Human beings are an integral part of the natural cycles of life on planet earth, so for what purpose are we so resistant to a process as natural as change?


Well, I do have a theory. Human beings have set their thinking into a closed system mentality that carries the label, ‘change is difficult’. I would love to rip off that label and apply another which reads, ‘change is natural and easy.’ Adaptive thinking and behaviour are what keep the natural world in a constant state of evolution, let’s evolve with it!

Right now, we are experiencing an era of significant change, when financial, political and physical landscapes began to shift to new positions, in a world which continues to amaze, surprise and challenge its inhabitants.  We are not the first to have experienced change at this level, it has always been happening and like all species over the millennia, adaptation is the key to survival.  Those who adapt the best will thrive, building a new and exciting future built on resilience, flexibility and excellence.

The process of adaptation to new life conditions is often seen as an insurmountable challenge.  The truth is that change is a natural process and nature has provided you with the necessary tools. To be successful in the new environment requires a new way of thinking and the ability to dig much deeper into our mental and physical resources, opening up new ways of thinking that you are not even aware of right now. Today’s ways may not fit tomorrow’s world and if what you are doing now isn’t working for you, then it’s time to adapt and change.  

To think differently is to change the labels that you have applied to your life and to yourself. You only need to connect to news and social channels to feel the weight of those labels. You are being told what to think and who to be! To break free of the labels of life requires a re-organisation of your neural networks and an understanding that all experience is subjective. You create what you experience. Once you learn how to establish communication internally, get in control of the labelling and begin to exert control over your own thinking, then you can begin the joyful process of adaptation, with such strength, power and vigour that success is the inevitable outcome. How? Using an instruction manual for the mind created by an in-depth study of human behaviour and subjective experience, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

NLP is epistemological, it’s thinking about thinking.  As human beings, we naturally possess the ultimate in neural plasticity. You are not psychologically hard wired in a rigid and fixed manner.  Your mind is totally flexible and open to transformation at any time, you simply require some insight into how to make change happen by making new neurological connections and by lighting up parts of your brain that have rested in darkness for so long.  You’ve heard of having a ‘light bulb moment’, as the lights go on, creativity and innovation increase, thinking adapts to the environment and quite suddenly, you are adapting your behaviour and experiencing a different world.

All experience is subjective, your experience is processed by your internal filters which are unique to you, that’s why we all experience the world differently. If you change how you represent the world inside, then the world outside will transform for you. You create the nature of your experience.  Perhaps it is the need to transform our thinking that has led to the marked increase in the search for new knowledge and access to our inner selves during the past few years?  Global corporations and private individuals alike have begun to search for new learning, to seek help to adapt and thrive.  The one learning that can provide this precious resource naturally is NLP.  A discipline that has been in our lives for over 47 years and is a contemporary and exciting enabler of change.  NLP is how we, as individuals are going to develop new thinking, new personal experience and drive forward into a new era of abundance and success.  

The important element in all the changes in the world is simple, it’s you.  Only you can choose to avoid extinction, to adapt and to thrive, to climb out of the rut, shed the chains of doom and gloom and break out into a bright new future.  It’s about creating and exercising your choice.  You can choose to remain at the lower levels of the spiral of life, or start your journey to a new higher level which better suites the new life conditions. Choose to embrace natural change. You can learn the tools for change with our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training and make change as natural, easily and effortless as the colourful autumnal fall.

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