It's All In Your Head

May 18, 2022

Today’s blog is really about life in general. Rather than focus on the big, exciting stuff, I want to consider how life is for you when you take the narrower view, you know the day in, day out stuff, the routines and repetitive patterns that each day generates and life perpetuates. How is that picture for you? What do you feel when you stop to contemplate daily life? I’m interested in the words that come to mind right now.

As I’ve asked my colleagues, friends, family and clients that question, a pattern emerged. The answers were all middle ground, grey, uninspired. “It’s OK”, “I just get on with it”, “Oh, you know, plodding on” and of course that very British response, “Not too bad” (What does that even mean!). It seems that so many are just making do with what they have, a weary acceptance that this is how life is. My next question, what if your daily life can be more than that?

I’m going to offer up another commonly uttered phrase, “It’s all in your head”.

Living the life you want rather than the one that you believe has been served up to you is indeed a matter of mindset. It is all in your head. If you have never considered how the concept of your personal reality manifests itself before, then I have wonderful news, it’s all in your head so you have control over it. You can indeed enter into a life more richly lived by thinking in a new direction, changing your focus from impossible to possible.

Switching your focus and building a robust, resilient and empowered mindset is simply a task of embracing the natural methods that the brain and the mind learns with. The proven system that teaches you how to do this is called Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). You may notice the word ‘simply’ in the previous sentence. The use of this word is highly intentional because controlling your thinking and your emotional state is much simpler than you imagine. Many therapeutic approaches available have had you believe that change is difficult and takes time. That’s because they are not using the knowledge of how you structure your internal experience and create your model of the world. NLP does.

Using the natural methods of conscious and unconscious processing, you can learn how to get in touch with your inner self and create something richer to make daily life a pleasure, rather than just the two weeks a year you spend on holiday, escaping from daily life. Make everyday like a relaxing break and enjoy it. You can.

Please understand, I’m not so naïve that I don’t realise that ‘stuff happens’ in life. Challenges present themselves all the time and test your resolve, sometimes to the max. What I would like you to embrace is that with an empowered mindset in place, you will have coping strategies and the drive to search for and discover solutions that make even the most challenging times interesting. Life does not need to be one long, courageous struggle, you can create something else, if you choose to invest in yourself.

Here is a sample of how easy it is to utilise the natural systems of your mind, please have a go!

1. Think of something specific in your life that you are having trouble with right now. Something that you are feeling unresourceful about.

2. Close your eyes and focus on the thing that is causing you trouble and allow a picture to form in your minds eye. That’s your old picture, seal it into your mind.

3. Now think of how you most desire the situation to be, what do you want instead and how would you like to feel?

4. Close your eyes and focus on your desired situation and feelings and allow a picture to form in your minds eye. Make that picture colourful and bright and anything else you want to do with it to make it really compelling to you, turn up the intensity of the wonderful feelings. That’s your new picture, seal it into your mind.

5. Close your eyes and bring your old picture onto your mental screen, put the new picture small and ark in the bottom left corner.

6. Now have the new picture explode up big and bright so that it covers the old picture completely. Enjoy it and let it go.

7. Open your eyes and close your eyes.

8. Repeat steps 5 – 7 five more times or until your old picture no longer exists.

Congratulations, you just changed your reality by adjusting the structure of your internal experience. A step closer to a life more richly lived, focussing on possibility. You see, it really is all in your head!

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