How to Use More of Your Powerful Mind

April 28, 2021

Today I would like to introduce you to your unconscious mind. That’s simply the part of your mind that you aren’t consciously aware of right now. It’s the part of your mind that runs your physiological systems, your autonomic processes like breathing, digestion, healing and even blinking. Let’s face it, if you had to breathe consciously, that would be all that you could do, just sit and breathe. Fortunately, your unconscious mind does that for you so that your conscious mind can take care of the logical, functional and analytical components of running your day.

The processing capacity of your unconscious mind is far superior to that of your conscious mind, which is very minimal in comparison. Your unconscious mind is responsible for all your:

• Learning capacity and retention of information.

• Behaviour, including your habits.

• Change, your capacity to decide to do things differently.

It’s clear that your unconscious mind is extremely powerful and crucial to your ability to function as a whole from day to day. The issue here is that most people have no idea about their unconscious mind and how to get the best from it. I’m going to let you into a secret, how to open up the channel of communication between your conscious and unconscious minds! Imagine the extra mind power you can achieve!

The profession of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has taught us that the conscious and unconscious minds are highly separate. They are divided by a barrier. In NLP jargon we call this the critical faculty. You can learn so much more about this by attending our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.

When you open an access door in the critical faculty, you can gain access to the wonderful power of your unconscious mind. It’s all about where you place your attention. If you are consciously focussed on one thing, you go inside your own head, talk to yourself with your self talk and become completely insular. In NLP Coaching we call this being ‘down-time’. The challenge of being down time is that you miss everything that goes on around you, all the opportunities in the world and you are closed to change and the long-term storage of anything you learn.

Putting your attention outside of yourself creates the state of being ‘up-time’. A trap door in your critical faculty pops open and the power of your unconscious mind is at your fingertips. Your learning is stored and easy to recall and you can get in control of your behaviour and make changes easily and effortlessly. There is a wonderful by-product too! When you are ‘up-time’, it is impossible to hold on to an unresourceful emotion! You no longer need to feel anxious, nervous, afraid, angry, frustrated, irritated. Imagine that!  

Excited and curious? Here’s how to get into your ‘up-time’ state. At our NLP Practitioner Training, we call this your Learning State and you will spend your whole training experience in this calm, relaxed, focussed condition, with everything you learn being safely stored for easy access by your unconscious mind. It’s a learning experience you will never forget, literally!

Give this a go now:

Pick a spot on the ceiling, wherever you are right now. Make sure your eyes are going up, like you are looking at the space between your eyebrows.

Now, focus only on that spot and let your awareness of everything else just fade away. Good.

Now, slowly begin to expand your awareness outwards from the spot, a bit at a time. Push your awareness out and become aware of more and more in your peripheral vision. Perhaps you can even push your awareness out behind you slightly, beyond the confines of your peripheral vision. Good job!

When you feel you have pushed your awareness as far as it will go, notice now, how calm, relaxed and focussed you feel. Hold on to that feeling.

Lower your eyes and look around normally, whilst maintaining that peripheral awareness. Hold on to that delightfully resourceful state. That’s your up-time learning state! Well done!

Now, whenever you are learning something or need to feel resourceful, you know what to do!

To learn much more about how to make more use of your powerful mind, join us at our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training. Calm, relaxed and focussed, that’s right.

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