Hearing Beyond The Silence

December 8, 2021

In the complex process of communication, understanding words is important and recognising and appreciating the structure which supports the words is critical.

The framework of our language is made up of a layered structure, only a small proportion of which is evident externally to self.  There are an infinite number of semantic combinations which make up comprehensible sentences in every language globally and the range of human descriptions of our world and the experiences within it are endless.  The structure of language however, is limited and is governed by sets of rules.  An understanding of structure is the first step to eliciting true meaning.

We use our language in several ways.  Language is our way of molding a unique representation of our experience to create a model of the world that makes good sense to us.  By distorting, deleting and generalising the information that continuously assaults our neurology, we generate our perception of experience at the unconscious level.  We also use our command of language to communicate our model of the world to each other.

As we communicate through the medium of language, the words we use and their order and structure are rarely selected at the conscious level.  Whilst we fill our world with unconsciously selected language, the process of communication continues to follow a tightly bound structure.  The behaviour of communication is therefore a rule-governed behaviour.  Each speaker in every language spoken globally, intuitively knows if a particular sentence is well formed, is structurally sound, complete and makes good sense.  The words we hear are the 'surface structure' of language.  Behind this surface structure lies a 'deep structure' and the process of transformational linguistics has brought this previously hidden aspect of our language to the fore.

Our unconscious choice of language forms a representation of our deep structure and by doing so, changes its very nature, without destroying the semantic meaning.  The words which we use and which are heard therefore, are not true representations of our internal model of the world, but a stripped down approximation.

In order to understand a communication fully, it becomes necessary for the listener to listen to what is not being said, the deeper structure which is a true representation of a person's experience.  To this end, we have Meta Model thinking.

The Meta Model of transformational linguistics provides a questioning framework which unveils the deeper structure of a person’s thinking.  The deep structure can often be lost to the individual, creating conflicted and problematic thinking.  By recovering deep structure for a person, we can eliminate the boundaries which confine problems and easily lead them towards alignment and congruence.

The wealth of information present in any language is unsaid and encapsulated within the person's neurology. A simple model of thinking and enquiry is all we need to become ultimate masters of communication. The Meta Model forms part of the conscious use of language section at our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training. Here you learn to hear between the lines and achieve deep understanding of surface structure language. You will learn to hear what you haven’t heard and take meaning from silence. The skills of a true master of language.

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