Four Thinking Patterns for Resilience - Part 4

February 28, 2023

Your highly individualised belief system is a key creator of your mindset. Now, here is the important thing about beliefs and you might find this surprising. Your beliefs are not true. Beliefs are simply constructs of your mind around which you choose to organise your behaviour. If you believe something to be true, it is true for you. Your beliefs dictate how you represent the outside world inside. Beliefs are only true because you believe them to be true. If you choose to change a belief, you can, you are in control. Your beliefs are extremely powerful.

Your beliefs are one of your personal data filters and assist you in the selection of the packet of information on which you base your reality. In this way, your beliefs change your behaviour. If you believe something to be possible, then it is possible. Beliefs can also be limiting. If you believe something limiting about yourself, then you behave as if that belief were true and you become the product of your limiting beliefs. You have held a limiting belief about yourself in your lives. Maybe you have a limiting belief active in your neurology right now, it wouldn't be surprising because it's natural. Limiting beliefs sounds like, ‘I'm not capable of that’, ‘I'm not good enough’, ‘I couldn't possibly run my own business’, ‘I can't earn the money that I want’. They limit you at the unconscious level.

Your beliefs are held in your unconscious mind and drive your behaviour. If you believe those limiting beliefs to be true, they are true for you. I'm sure at some time you have expressed your limiting beliefs to other people and they have told you, ‘Don't be silly, of course you're good enough, you are amazing, totally capable!’ Those words of encouragement don't make any difference to you because the belief is ingrained at a deep level, creating your behaviour. When you have a limiting belief, you look for evidence to prove you right. You consistently look around for evidence and facts that you're actually right to hold the limiting belief and of course, you find that evidence because you're looking for it and your belief is generating the limited behaviour. The more evidence you find, the more that bolsters up your belief, the more you believe it.

If you remove the limiting belief, you change the way you represent it internally, it means that you quickly change your behaviour. You can change your mindset and not be limited by that belief anymore.

I'm going to describe a technique that can quickly and easily change the natural process in which you hold a belief in your neurology. All you are doing is rewiring your thinking, creating a different neural pathway and re-mapping your thinking, encouraging you to think of your beliefs in a different way, restructuring your mindset. The process is so rapid it feels magical and it's magical, because it's natural, this is the way your mind works. Changing a limiting belief can completely transform everything for you.

You are going to work on how you represent your belief, inside.

Changing the picture:

1. I would like you to think of something that limits that you believe to be true. Make it something that limits you across all contexts of your life, like ‘I'm not capable’ or ‘I'm not good enough’, ‘I don't trust anyone’ or ‘It's not okay to love anyone’, ‘I can't make the money I want to make’. That's a good one!  Do you know that you actually repel money? Why would you do that? If you have the belief that you can't have money, or that you can't have the amount of money that you want to give you the lifestyle that you want, then you actually repel it, you actually discouraged money from entering your life. If money is an issue for you, that would be a good limiting belief to shift right now. What do you believe that really limits you from being the exceptional version of you? Just think of one for now. You can repeat the process to remove all of your limiting beliefs individually.

2. Please close your eyes. When you think of your limiting belief, do you have a picture in your mind that represents that limiting belief? Just allow that picture to come to you. Notice what that picture looks like? Is it big? Is it small? Is it colourful? Is it black and white? Is it bright? Is it dim? Is it far away? Is it close to you? Is it wrapped around you or is it like looking at a photograph in a frame? Does it move? Is it still? Does it have sounds associated with it? What are the feelings that go with the picture?

3. Now seal that picture in your mind, that is your old picture. Now let it go. Clear your mental screen and open your eyes.

4. Think about the opposite of your limiting belief, something empowering that you would like to believe.

5. Close your eyes. When you think about that positive, empowering belief that you have about yourself, do you have a picture? Notice how this picture looks different. Would it benefit from being more colourful? If it would make it more colourful? What's the brightness like? If it would benefit from being brighter, make it brighter. If it would be really compelling if it was bigger, make it bigger. If it needs to come closer to you, bring it closer. If it was in a frame or a panorama would it be better? Make it how you want it. If you'd rather it be a movie or a still picture, change it. If there are sounds, when would it be better if they were louder or softer or no sound at all? I know that there's an amazing feeling that goes with this empowering belief, I want you to really turn up the intensity of that feeling. Really feel it.

6. Seal that picture into your mind, that is your new picture. Clear your mental screen and open your eyes.

7. Now you are going to take the power out of the limiting belief and add power into that positive empowering belief. Close your eyes and recall your old picture that represents your limiting belief and bring it back onto your mental screen. Now put that new, powerful picture right down in the bottom left hand corner, just make it small and dark.

8. You are going to take that new picture and have it explode up big and bright so it completely covers the old picture and I want you to do that as quickly as you can say the word ‘swish’.

9. Have the new picture explode up big and bright so it completely covers the old picture and let the old picture just shrink away into the background small and dark. Ready, on the count of three, 1,2,3 ‘Swish’ explode the new picture up big and bright so that it completely covers your mental screen. Feel the wonderful feelings.

10. Clear the screen, open your eyes and close your eyes. Put the old picture back on the screen. New picture small and dark in the bottom left hand corner. Ready to exploded it up big and bright and let the other shrink down and become small and dark. Ready, 1, 2, 3 ‘Swish’. Clear the screen, open your eyes and close your eyes.

11. Repeat the process of exploding up the new picture another 5 times or until you can no longer access your old picture, remembering to open and close your eyes between each pass.

When your old internal representation is no longer accessible, you can no longer do the behaviour and the limiting belief can no longer operate within your neurology, you have re-wired your thinking. Well done, enjoy your new mental map!

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