Fearful to Fearless

July 7, 2021

Fear is a very destructive and disempowering negative emotion. It stops us in our tracks and prevents us from doing the things we dream of and from creating the life we desire the most. Experiencing fear is a bit like being on the end of a bungee rope. You take a few steps forward and everything is OK, then you take a few more and moving forward gets harder and harder, then you get to a point where you struggle and struggle and you just can’t move even one step further forward, then you tire of pulling forward against the weight. The rope wins and you plummet back to where you came from and perhaps even further back than that. What is fear preventing you from doing that you really want to do?


Imagine what you would do if you had no fear to hold you back. What would you go ahead and do differently? How would your personal performance improve and how much personal empowerment would you gain? Would removing the fear from your life be useful to you in many ways? Think of it and how differently it looks, sounds and feels.

Our unconscious mind is the domain of our emotions, both positive and negative. Your unconscious mind is simply that part of your mind that you are not consciously aware of right now. It’s the part that runs your body and produces your habitual behaviour outside of your conscious awareness. In other words, it does all the things that you don’t think about. So fear is an emotion that occurs within your body without you having to think about creating it. Fear is produced by your internal psychological processing of your environment and of your self-talk.

Now, before we discuss removing fear permanently from your life, I would like to raise the issue of protection. I have heard many of my private coaching clients say that they want to keep hold of their fear because it protects them. This is a common and widely held belief and it simply isn’t true. There is a very old part of your brain called the reptilian brain. Your reptilian brain produces an instinctual fight or flight response which is what protects you from potential danger, keeping you safe. Nothing we do in NLP, Time Line Therapy® or Hypnosis will disrupt this response, so you will be always be safe. Fear is simply a secondary emotion which occurs after you are safe. Consider a scenario. If a lion walked into the room in which you are sitting reading this article right now, you would either choose to fight the lion or to run away. You would make this choice instinctually. You will feel the fear after you have made your response. In instances where you feel fear before you make an instinctual choice, it has the effect of freezing you to the spot. So fear actually puts you in danger, never offering you protection.

All the fear you ever felt in your life is stored within your body at the unconscious level. Think of the physiological damage that storing a lifetime of fear can have, not to mention the effects on your psychological health. That’s why NLP Coaches seek to assist their clients to remove fear utilising Time Line Therapy® Techniques.

Time Line Therapy™ techniques represent a very special area of learning and personal development.  This unique technique is used around the globe by thousands of qualified practitioners who consistently achieve and report their magnificent results.  

Time Line Therapy™ has three major components:

 Releasing negative emotions from the past

 Removing limiting beliefs and decisions

 Placing a compelling goal into your future and causing it to happen

Many techniques in the personal development and therapeutic profession have mechanisms in place to manage negative emotions.  The most popular in recent times are Anger Management and Stress Management.  To merely manage an emotion implies that you are going to continue experiencing it, just in a self-controlled way.  Whilst this has its place, it is a bit like placing a plaster over the wound.  It keeps the problem covered up in the hope that it won’t become further infected and that it will eventually heal.  Time Line Therapy™ Techniques is different because the negative emotions from the past are actually permanently removed.

So, why remove negative emotions, including fear, from your past?  Some past memories carry with them something which for you is unresolved and incomplete. You still have a negative feeling about how it felt to have that experience. The unresolved baggage is the negative emotions that you experienced in the past which are now residing, without an invitation within your body.  These squatter emotions manifest as an emotional weight attached to certain memories and they still weigh you down as you continue to carry them around.

Life happens to all of us and the way we create new mechanisms for coping is to learn from and ascribe meaning to those events which weren’t particularly pleasant or indeed downright awful.  The Time Line Therapy® process enables you to develop new strategies and future proof yourself from similar events, so you react more positively and are more prepared to face life’s challenges head on.

Carrying around all your old feelings of fear, frustration, apathy, dissatisfaction, anger, sadness, grief, hurt, guilt, getting irritated when something is happening to you again and putting up with it again, is only going to take its toll on your emotional and mental health.

Many people put up with feeling bad and don’t even know that the underlying cause of their underperformance is what they are carrying unconsciously inside.  All of those past negative emotions that they experienced and all the limiting decisions about themselves get stored up and filed away, in a self-perpetuating loop, without an exit.

After completing Time Line Therapy®, you actually set in motion a beneficial feedback loop that leads to even greater level of mental and emotional health.  As you remove the emotional chains of fear accumulated in your body’s memory from past events, you have an easier time dealing with anything life throws at you.  Once you experience freedom from past unresolved fear and you begin to let go of your limiting beliefs and decisions about your own capabilities, life suddenly becomes filled with success and much more fun! You will be free to move forward with confidence and joy and fear becomes an emotion of the past.

So, now you know that there is a way to move from being fearful to becoming fearless, what are you going to do about it? How can you use Time Line Therapy® to release the fear and move forward in life, creating personal success and empowerment and getting what you want, finally. Seek out an accredited Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, please contact us if you would like assistance with this, and change your life for the better.

Time Line Therapy® Practitioner Training is an integral part of our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.

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