Exploring Modern Day Mesmerism

July 5, 2023

Have you ever wondered where the term, 'to be mesmerised' came from? It's a fascinating story that I would love to tell you, right now...

Franz Anton Mesmer was born in 1733 in Austria on the banks of the River Rhine. In 1750, at the age of just 17, he was influenced by the work of a Jesuit Priest named Father Hehl and went to study with him. Mesmer studied the art and science of healing through the use of magnets. Mesmer’s original belief was that the cures he witnessed were a direct result of the flow of magnetism from the magnets which he used in the healing process. He later wrote his Doctoral thesis ‘On the influence of the planets on the human body.’

Everything changed for Mesmer in 1775. He was bleeding a patient, as was common place in those days, and accidentally made a ‘pass’ over the patient. Mesmer observed that his hand movement had exactly the same effect as the magnets that he had been using to heal. Excited by his discovery, he circulated a paper to the European Medical Doctors which asserted the existence of 'animal magnetism'. He made a strong distinction between physical magnetism and animal magnetism and extraordinary success was to follow.

He left his home in Austria and travelled through Germany and Switzerland, demonstrating his miraculous mesmeric cures. It worked. In 1778, he arrived in Paris and chose to settle there. It was in Paris that he became a victim of his own success. The medical community there felt that Mesmer had too much power, he was curing too many people and all without prescribing medicine! So, Mesmer asked for a board of enquiry. The board included the American Ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin. In the report to the King of France, Franklin said that there was nothing that he could see, therefore magnetism must be a fraud.

Mesmer left Paris. It is unclear whether his departure was a direct result of the report or because of the French Revolution.

The closed minds of the medical community stopped this excellent method of healing in its tracks, just because there was nothing physical to see, the science could not explain it, so it didn’t exist.

Fortunately, modern day physics and science has moved away from the fear and mistrust of what we can’t see, Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics have ensured that we look at what we don’t see rather than what we do. This has re-opened the door for the science of physical healing through the manipulation of energetic forces, mesmerism in the modern day.

Mesmerism is achieved through the ability to achieve laser focus. To concentrate the mind on just one single idea, the idea of the Universal Source of Magnetism and its flow through you into the client. The ability to flow energy from yourself into the client is possible for anyone and comes from having open internal channels of energy and from practice. Open channels of energy come from an energised body. Magnetic energy flows most efficiently from a well-nourished and exercised body. If the body is not energised, the magnetic flow is reduced.

Your ability to magnetise starts with your beliefs. What you believe about energetic flow and your ability to channel it will affect the magnetism that you can produce. Practice will develop your neurology. Imagine there is a rain barrel of water over your head waiting to come to you and you are trying to push it through your eye-dropper sized neurology. To develop your mesmeric skills, you must develop the neurology to accommodate it.

Of course, in all of our work in NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and Mesmerism, you cannot claim to heal anyone, you are the catalyst for the client’s self-healing. This is a new area of service provision that you can offer to your clients.

Modern day mesmerism is taught at our Clinical Hypnosis Certification Training. Everything in this training is completely new and takes your skills beyond what you have already learned at Hypnosis Practitioner, Hypnosis Master Practitioner and even Hypnosis Trainer level. I know that you are excited to gain more skills so that you can work effectively with every client you see and this training is the way to develop lots of new learnings.

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