Dismantling a Problematic Past

April 4, 2022

Today, I’d like to bring into your conscious awareness the concept of making ethically checked and highly ecological alterations to how a person perceives a challenging past in order to create a more successful, peaceful and productive future. As high value NLP Coaches or potential coaches, it is your coaching responsibility to ensure that you assist your clients in the most positively impactful way possible and this includes ensuring that you have future paced their success rigorously before they leave you to navigate their own path.

The Quest for Success Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training rewards you with everything you require to clean up a person’s past by removing their negative emotions and limiting decisions using the powerful process of Time Line Therapy® and you will experience this incredible coaching tool for yourself. Imagine how marvellously enlightening and empowering it is to have a past personal history containing only resourceful and positive emotions, isn’t it? So, why would we want to dismantle how we perceive problematic elements of a difficult past?

Well, please allow me to explain the value of this concept for you. Our negative emotions have value in the moment that they occur, in the moment that we experience them. In fact, negative emotions aren’t really negative at all because they have value, I’m using the identifier here to provide a point of difference between emotions that are resourceful in now and emotions that feel disempowering in now. Negative emotions alert our conscious mind to the fact that something is wrong and requires our attention and action. That’s all. Once we have taken the necessary actions and corrected the situation then negative emotions have no further value to us. They have helped to shape the basis of our personality and contribute to the way we make decisions and choices in now. They did their job in the moment and then they became immediately redundant. So, what happens if we don’t listen to our unconscious mind and decline to take action and respond to the negative emotions as they arise? The experience remains incomplete for us and continues to reside within our neurology, waiting for closure that never comes, blocking our energy and having a deleterious impact on our psychological and physiological health.

Time Line Therapy® techniques, the teaching of which is unique to qualified institutes like Quest for Success Ltd, are very effective in removing negative emotions and limiting decisions from the past, leaving the memory free of negative emotions in now. How you feel about how you felt is the key to creating a successful future.

Changing the way you feel now about a problematic memory is highly beneficial because of the constant effects of the waves of time. Any past negative event which for you is incomplete will continue to emit probability waves into now. These probability waves unconsciously impact your conscious choices in now and therefore create altered probability waves into the future. Without these negative waves from the past, you will make better and more resourceful choices in now and so create a far more compelling future.


Using Time Line Therapy® techniques you can change how you feel about a problematic memory and so dismantle the negative waves of time which feed into now. The feeling associated with the problematic memory can then be replaced with a new, more resourceful feeling, something that makes you feel really good about yourself and highly resourceful.  

We will teach you everything you need to know about achieving this for yourself and your potential future clients during our Enhanced NLP Coach Certification Training. This is enchanting new learning and it will propel your already resourceful thinking to a completely new level of total excellence and success. Be exceptional.

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