The Domino Effect

February 17, 2021

The highly visible and tantalisingly tangible outcomes of learning NLP at one of the Quest for Success Ltd Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification© Trainings are immediately identified as two-fold.

Firstly, participants come to learn the mindful secrets of NLP, NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis and become fully certified by the most respected NLP Board in the world, the American Board of NLP (ABNLP). People from all walks of life come together in a very supportive and vital community to learn new ways of thinking which will serve them efficaciously within their business, social, education, family, sporting and personal lives. The outcomes they experience always exceed their expectations and those that fully embrace their learning go on to achieve amazing things.  

Secondly, participants attend our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification© Training to affect life changing personal learning. We all identify things about ourselves that we want to change, after all, nobody is perfect. The experiential nature of our training means that all the self-improvement changes that you identify will be initiated and completed by the end of the training. Your self-limiting beliefs will have been removed, all of your negative emotions from the past will be gone, your internal conflicts will have been resolved and your internal processing strategies will have been adjusted in order to produce more resourceful and productive behaviour. You will know how to control your emotional condition at any given moment and how to change your thinking at will. You will know how to create, build and maintain strong and fruitful relationships, how to influence and negotiate elegantly and how to sell services, products and ideas easily, without any unsavoury hard sell techniques. Above all you will leave the training confident and motivated to integrate success and excellence into your life.

I’m sure you will agree that all of that is totally amazing and an incredible set of outcomes to receive from one, very reasonably priced and value driven training? There is also a third outcome that is equally as valuable that you won’t have immediately have thought of until right now. That’s the Domino Effect of NLP. What do I mean by that? Cast your mind right back to when you were a child and your parents or grandparents brought out a set of dominoes to play with. Sometimes you would play the game as it was intended and sometimes you played with the dominoes in a very different way. Do you recall lining all the dominoes up, standing on their short edge? You had to be very steady of hand and make sure that the gap between each domino was just right. You put all of the dominoes in a line, like a platoon of soldiers and then you stood back to view the results. The black and white row looked ordered and accurate. Then, with a steady finger, you pushed the first domino and watched as each one fell, cascading with a satisfying and almost musical tinkle, right to the last one and if you did it right, there was no break in the chain. What fun!

So how is the domino effect related to NLP? What you don’t always immediately realise is that when you have attended our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification© Training, you become the first domino, the catalyst for a very positive chain reaction. How does this happen? It happens because perception is projection. The positive changes that you embrace for yourself during your training will unconsciously be projected out and felt by the people in your life. Without even trying, you will begin to initiate positive changes in others, simply by being in their company. Now that’s valuable isn’t it? Imagine the world around you is one of mirrors, whatever you project out is reflected back at you, so your reality begins to form new meaning in a tangibly positive way. People will enjoy being with you because they feel your positive influence and begin to integrate it into their own neurology and that’s done at the unconscious level. Even if you aren’t going to work as a coach and assist people to transform their lives with intent, you will do it anyway. The change in your language, the change in your behaviour, the change in your emotional content will all be projected out to the world around you, right across every single context of your life. As the first domino, you will pass your new thinking to the next person in your life, who will project it to the next and so on until a huge sphere of influence has been positively affected, because of you. This is exactly how NLP seeks to positively transform our beautiful planet, one person at a time and I’m sure you’ll agree that right now, we need help as a human race.

Your motivation to be successful, excellent and happy can be created by you during your Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification© Training and then you become the first domino. Share the love, the happiness and the success by earning your spots, I bet you will be the double 6! Register now and create the positivity cascade.

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