Crack Into Your Potential

May 12, 2021

Have you heard that you have an unconscious mind?  You may or may not be aware that there is a very powerful part of your mind that you may not be tapping in to all of the time.  Rest assured, there is nothing magical and mystical about the unconscious mind, it is simply that active part of your mind that you are not consciously aware of right now.

Understanding your unconscious mind is an essential part of being in control of you and creating the future that you want for yourself.  Practitioners of NLP learn all about the unconscious mind on the very first day of their Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Training, giving them an excellent foundation on which to build their NLP skills and thinking.  When you consider that all learning, behaviour and change occurs at the unconscious level, you begin to imagine the beginnings of an appreciation for your hard working unconscious mind.

Your unconscious mind has a number of critical functions which it successfully completes every second of every day.  In NLP terminology, these functions are called the Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind.  Let’s consider some of them…

Your unconscious mind takes responsibility for storing all of your experiences as memories.  It organises them chronologically, so that you are able to know the difference between a recalled experience that you had last week and a recalled experience you had last year, or even ten years ago.  This tidy method of memory storage also enables you to differentiate between past and future memories.  Your memories are also classified according to the emotional content.  For example, all of your happy memories will be stored together and so will all of the memories with sadness or anger associated with them.  Practitioners of Time Line Therapy™ Techniques learn that the mechanism for holding emotionally alike memories together is called a Gestalt.  It is the presence of gestalt storage that allows us to completely remove all negative emotions stored in the body with Time Line Therapy™ Techniques.

Your unconscious mind will repress memories of experiences charged with lots of negative emotions so that you don’t have to be consciously aware of them all of the time.  If the unconscious mind didn’t fulfil this function, it would be impossible for you to function adequately on a daily basis.  Now and again, the unconscious mind may present such memories to you for resolution, giving you the choice of resolving the memory (with Time Line Therapy™ techniques) or replacing the memory back into the locked files of the unconscious mind for resolution at a later date.

Another critical function of the unconscious mind is to run your body.  Every second, your unconscious mind is executing physical tasks brilliantly well, like having you breathe, blink, digest your food, process nutrition and cleanse your system.  If you had to think consciously about these functions, that’s all you would do, lest you forget to do one of them!  It is your unconscious mind that keeps your body functions going when your conscious mind is asleep.  It is constantly active and keeps you healthy unless you instruct it otherwise by permitting negative emotions to take over your system.

Your values and beliefs systems, the very basis of your personality, reside at the unconscious level.  Your unconscious mind is therefore responsible for generating and maintaining your habits and strategies for completing all of your actions, creating your emotional responses, generating your motivation and reminding you of the direction of your moral compass.

Your unconscious mind is very hard working and very productive and critical to your daily functioning.  Practitioners of NLP know how to open up and maintain communications with their unconscious mind, bypassing the critical faculty barrier which divides the conscious and unconscious.  Excellent communication with your unconscious mind means that you can positively affect all of your Learning, Behaviour and Health by making changes at the unconscious level, allowing you to think on purpose in a controlled way, thereby controlling your behaviour and emotional content.  

If you would like to learn how to communicate with your unconscious mind and to generate the behaviours that will assist you in creating the future you want (and let’s face it, who wouldn’t want this exceptionally powerful gift!) then come along to an Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training and transform your world, inside and out!

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