Connecting With Your 6th Sense

April 13, 2021

As human beings, we process our world through our 5 senses; our sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. The information that enters our neurology every second of every day through our senses is filtered and transformed within our minds to create what we know as reality. The huge quantity of sensory data is deleted, distorted and generalised to create our highly personalised concept of reality. This is how we survive in our modern, highly sensory society, without constantly experiencing sensory overload. It wasn’t always so.  Our ancient ancestors survived a far harsher environment than we know now by utilising an innate six sense that we have long since abandoned.  More than intuition, call it energy, an inexplicable knowing, universal connection, soul, spirituality, heightened empathic ability, ESP, only certain trained individuals now make full use of this forgotten 6th sense.

Animals, on the other hand, continue to ensure survival and safety by making full use of their sixth sense, which supports their survival instincts.  What man has lost other species use every second of the day to ward against perceived threat. Non-verbal communication at its most elegant. It is only when we begin to recognise and embrace this 6th sense that we can truly, deeply connect with our world.  

Before we can fully engage with our sixth sense, we first need to awaken some of the elements of the sense within ourselves, understand how the sense operates within us and then learn to work with it.  Only then can we really connect.

The first step towards re-activating our latent sense is to learn how to notice our emotional state and then learn how to control it. Heightened emotion subsumes everything else within our physiology whilst it is active. Chemicals are released into our brain which plunge us into a seemingly endless fog within which clear thought is unavailable. To develop our sixth sense we must first reach a point of emotional neutrality at both the conscious and unconscious level.  How many times have you presented a calm and relaxed exterior to the world, whilst feeling in emotional turmoil inside?  Just like the swan, serene and elegant above the water line and paddling like crazy to stay afloat beneath.  True emotional neutrality can only be obtained through learning how and utilising the tools provided to us by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and by Hypnosis, both of which we cover in detail during our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.


Secondly, we must be emotionally ‘clean’.  This means shedding all those experiences from the past that we feel negatively about, just letting them go. We project into the world what troubles us from our past, imagine that, experiencing someone else’s negativity, what do you do with it?  I bet your behaviour would change for sure!  Cleaning up past events so that they no longer have an adverse impact on now is easy using Time Line Therapy® Techniques. You can become certified in the use of Time Line Therapy® Techniques by attending our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training. Cleaning out the mind fog then allows space for greater connections to be experienced.

I recently heard a relevant story which I would like to share with you. It’s a great way to test your 6th sense by connecting with a user of the 6th sense, an animal.

The story is about a lady in the USA who is a Master Coach Practitioner of NLP and the owner of an American Cow Horse.  After struggling to really connect as a partnership for several years and many dangerous rides and falls, something different was required.  One evening, she entered the stable and gently wrapped her arms around the horse, placing her cheek against his neck.  Closing her eyes, she used her Time Line Therapy® Techniques to do two key things.  Firstly, she used her Time Line to remove the limiting decision that both horse and rider had made not to trust each other.  As the decision was released, the woman let out a sigh and the horse lowered his head and gave a low sigh too.  Next, the lady used her Time Line to let go of the emotion of fear that they both felt when working as a team.  As the fear released, the horse began to lick and chew with his head close to the ground.  From that moment, everything about their relationship was transformed.  They are now winning their western classes and enjoying a mutually respectful and joyful partnership.  So, NLP is not just for us humans! The 6th sense between human and animal is once more connected.

To build a strong connection with our environment and our reality, we must transform our thinking and develop our 6th sense, just like the lady and her horse. By engaging our 6th sense and viewing our world through new eyes, we can foster trust, safety and love, be intimately connected with everything that is.  

NLP has all the tools that show us how to work on a new level with a sense that we have long since left behind and which still remains disconnected and untapped within our human potential.  We can show you how to awaken what has been lost. Attend our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training to discover what’s missing right now.

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