Connecting With The Capable You

April 1, 2020

I’m tired of hearing about Covid-19. I’m fed up with all the doom and gloom. I’ve had enough of the scaremongering. How about you?


Let’s think about all the positives instead!


When life conditions first changed, my initial reaction was to stop everything, to baton down the hatches and to be totally insular. I’m sure you reacted in a similar way, after all, we are human. For me, this thinking was brief. I soon realised that there is one great enemy in all of this and it’s not what I first thought it would be. At first, I thought that the worst enemy was fear. That fear would be the one thing that would stop everyone from functioning under these new life conditions. I was wrong. The worst enemy any of us have right now is IN-ACTION!


Yes, the worst thing you can succumb to right now is doing nothing!


Right now is the ideal time for you to take action and keep taking action every day. It’s the perfect opportunity to get creative and innovative, to start to think differently, to invest in yourself and your personal growth and development. What’s that? You’re not a very creative person? Trust me, you have resources inside of yourself that you’re not even consciously aware of! How do I know? Well, I’ve been in the business of studying human behaviour and change for 13 years and I’ve seen people connect with hidden inner resources time and time again. I know it’s there and it’s time for you to know too.


How do you connect with those inner resources? Take these 3 steps:


1.      Eliminate the noise.  

The noise of the media and social platforms is clouding your thinking and elevating your anxiety, panic and fear. Don’t let it! Come away from personal social media and only connect with friends who are demonstrating a positive, resourceful energy. Only watch news items which keep you up to date with government requirements. Leave the rest. The only way the government know how to control the population is through fear with the media serving as their channel of deployment.


Take back control, follow all the advised guidelines for keeping safe and healthy and do it without panic, anxiety and fear. Do it because doing it brings us closer to the end of social distancing requirements.


2.      Build your mindset.

If you are not able to change something, change the way you think about it.


This phase of our existence is about slowing down the pace a little, enjoying real, quality time with family, taking regular, enjoyable exercise, taking the time to prepare tasty and healthy food and doing all of those things that going out to work stopped you from doing. We have been given the gift at time that most of us have forever been craving.


Negative emotions like anxiety and fear have a biological impact on your system. They flood your brain with chemicals which serve to cloud your thinking and disconnect you from clarity and focus. Here are 2 steps for clearing your negative thinking and emotional content:


a.       Re-connect with your resources. (Get someone to read this out to you if it helps)

Think of a time, a specific time when you felt really capable, aligned and connected.


When you have a specific time in your past in mind, close your eyes.

Now, Think of that time, that specific time when you felt really capable, aligned and connected. Go back to that time in your mind. Imagine floating down into your body and see what you saw, hear what you heard and really feel the feelings of being really capable, aligned and connected. Now open your eyes and bring those highly connected feelings into now. Repeat as needed.


b.       Release your anxiety. (Get someone to read this out to you if it helps.)

Close your eyes. Now, imagine you are floating up out of your body and into the future to a time 15 minutes after the old normal has been restored. Now, imagine everything has happened positively and easily and enjoyably and that you are healthy, well and secure. Now, where is the anxiety? That’s right, it’s gone! (If it’s still there then imagine everything has turned out positively). Look back towards now and notice that all the events between now and then begin to re-evaluate themselves in light of your new thinking. Now, come back into your body and open your eyes. Now notice that the future looks excellent without the cloud of anxiety to obscure your view.


3.      Take Action

The greatest enemy right now is in-action and stagnation! With your new thinking in place, start to take action. Be creative in discovering new things to do and add structure to your day. Learn something new, start something new, take action and create energy.


Take these 3 steps and you will find insight and capability that you didn’t even know you had inside you! There is so much about you that the hurried, fast paced nature of the old normal prevented you from finding. Now is your time of discovery, use it wisely and with purpose. This could be a very important time of your life if you think about it as a wonderful opportunity.


Quest for Success are here to support you if you need us. We can provide you with 1 to 1 support, hints and tips for success and on-line NLP training. We have adapted and you should too, this is the perfect time to discover the very best version of you.





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