5 NLP Tips for Generating Business

January 13, 2021

1. Communicate!

I recently asked a group of people who are all engaged in business, some who are running their own business and others who are employed, what defines a successful business? I was not entirely surprised that they found it really difficult to provide an answer. In all our professions, we are generally very good at doing the job we do and less proficient in marketing and selling our services and products. This is why we have added a Marketing and Selling module to our Enhanced NLP Master Coach Certification Programme.

Here’s the deal. Successful businesses are profitable businesses (unless of course you are running a not for profit organisation). Yes, it’s all about making profit. No profit, no business. Time and time again I meet wonderfully talented people who have limiting beliefs surrounding their capability to earn the money that they want. The main excuse (and it really is an excuse) for not making money is the economy, lack of time, lack of experience or a global pandemic! My top tip is to get your psychological blockages regarding money removed now, you can seek out a Practitioner of Time Line Therapy® Techniques to assist you to do this rapidly and easily. Learn from your clients and you must be properly compensated for the work that you do.

Money is energy! When you begin to view money in this way, your perception will shift positively. You give energy in the form of a service and product and the client gives you energy back in the form of money. The energy exchange must be equal and balanced. When you are not earning enough money, you lack energy and demotivation is quick to follow. It’s a psychological fact that people don’t buy on price, they buy on value, so please ensure that your services are priced properly, even if the price is higher than your competitors and then work on the value you offer.

People buy people so communication is key! Networking, face to face or virtually, is a great way to begin to meet people like yourself and to begin building strong and mutually beneficial relationships. Learn to build deep rapport quickly so that you can connect with as many people as possible at each event. We teach rapport building in detail during our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training. Remember, networking isn’t about selling, it’s about building great relationships and understanding what other people require by being interested in them and asking the right questions. NLP contains a wealth of knowledge about language and how to use it to best effect. When you are ready to sell, NLP offers you a highly specific 5-Step Sales process that you can employ to boost your closure rates and increase your sales funnel exponentially.


2. The Internet is simply a shop window

My second top tip is this: Your website and your social media sites rarely sell anything, they are all about brand awareness. Essential yes, not sales.

So many people spend a lot of money and a lot of time getting the most perfect website together and creating social media chatter. Whilst this is an important part of raising awareness of your business and your brand, you won’t sell a great deal this way. Remember, it’s not your online presence that sells your services, it’s you.

Your website and your social media pages are best used to create motivation to speak with you personally, then the selling can begin with the proven NLP 5-Step Sales Process. A great website is one that captures contact information so that you can speak with people directly and tell them how your product or service works and how you can assist them to realise their aspirations. Use your social media to drive people towards your website and then collect their contact information by offering them something they will value; an e-book, a series of Top Tips, a monthly newsletter with a knowledge transfer.

Speak with people directly. Remember, they are buying you and you are your business. Keep your language positive at all times and focus on what you want.

3. A numbers game

Selling really is a numbers game. The key to getting really good at selling is to welcome the word ‘no’. Statistically speaking, you will hear a lot more of the word ‘no’ than you do ‘yes’ and the more ‘no’ responses you get the closer you are to getting the ‘yes’.

Let’s reframe the word ‘no’ and turn it into a positive selling tool. As a sales person (and we are all in sales of some sort), it is your job to collect ‘no’ responses. The more you get, the closer you get to the ‘yes’. Thank people who tell you ‘no’. Those people are bringing you ever closer to the ‘yes’ and they are not keeping you dangling in no man’s land. What do I mean by that? Well, the people who say things like, ‘I’ll think about it and call you back’ or ‘can you send me more information’ or ‘I’m interested but not now’ are saying ‘no’ in a polite way. The problem is that because you haven’t heard ‘no’ you will continue to put energy into selling to those people and they simply aren’t interested.

Here’s the top tip, make 10 completed phone calls per day. Completed means that you spoke with the correct person and got to a ‘no’ or a ‘yes’ answer by the end of the call. Here’s the numbers game. You may need to make 100 phone calls or direct visits to get one or two clients. Play the game!


4. Specialise

The most successful businesses are those who are very clear about their specialised services and the demographic they are selling to. Use your specialisation to grow your reputation and then if you choose to, you can expand your service offering later.

Keep it simple and concentrate on something you really feel passionate about and enjoy working with. If you are interested and curious your client will be too, perception is projection!

5. Use the 5-Step Sales Process

The 5-Step Sales Process is a proven sales technique and it works. Every time you speak with a potential client, please use the process to guide you seamlessly through the conversation and remember how to address objections gracefully. Above all, hold win-win in your mind. If you are not able to deliver a service, then be honest and refer the client on to someone else.

To grow your business exponentially and make the profit that you want, you must be great at selling and all selling is simply giving someone information and making it really easy for them to buy something that they want by using the 5-Step Sales Process, you will learn this process in specific detail during your Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.

Go for it and please, share your successes with us, we love to hear your stories and to help you to celebrate your triumphs.

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